香港大學法學碩士 (仲裁及排解爭端) (2024)
英國特許仲裁司學會會員 (2023)
香港大學法律專業證書 (優異) (2022)
香港大學法學士 (2021)
香港大學工商管理 (法學) 學士 (2021)
香港樹仁大學兼職講師 (2023)
出版刊物 / 座談會
Co-author of “Impacts of ChatGPT on the Development of Hong Kong Bilingual Legal System”, presented at the Hong Kong Bilingual Legal System: Retrospect and Prospect Conference on 27 August 2023
- Sandhu Harpreet Singh v Lou Sai Tong [2024] HKDC 469
Court dismissed personal injuries action arising from a traffic accident after 2-day trial (with Simon So) - Able Engineering Co Ltd v Poon Chuk Hung [2024] HKCFI 476
Resisted default judgment and obtained relief from sanction arising from a breach of unless order on filing and serving further and better particulars - G v P [2023] 4 HKLRD 563 [2023] 6 HKC 518 [2023] HKCFI 2173
Set aside the enforcement order of an arbitration award on the grounds set out in Section 86(1)(c)(i) and (ii) of the Arbitration Ordinance (with Simon So) - Re Chung Chi Keung (deceased) (CCDI 373/2020)
6-day death inquest before jury – the deaf-and-mute deceased committed suicide less than 20 hours after his discharge from hospital (with Simon So)